In-database Scripting & Python Sandbox | Python + Vantage

TechBytes: Using Python with Vantage | 4a. In-database scripting - Scoring with External Model

TechBytes Using Python part 4a

Are you a Data Scientist who loves using Python and Jupyter Notebook but is having difficulty building performant analytics and machine-learning at scale? Don't despair - Teradata Vantage and Teradata Package for Python (teradataml) are here to help. They enable performant execution of complex analytics on large datasets, while using your favorite data science tools and language.  

In this 4th episode of the Using Python with Vantage TechBytes series, Alexander Kolovos demonstrates how to perform in-database scripting with Vantage SCRIPT Table Operator (aka STO) database object, using direct calls to the SCRIPT Table Operator via teradataml.  It also includes a demonstration of how to test a Python script using a Sandbox environment on the client.

Download Jupyter notebook used in the demonstration from a Teradata GitHub site:

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